A Firm Protecting Whistleblowers Against Unlawful Retaliation
“In a democratic, free enterprise system, a commitment to whistleblowing represents a fundamental confidence in the ability of individuals to make a difference. Society can never eradicate wrongdoing, but it can shield from retaliation those citizens who, urged on by their integrity and social responsibility, speak out to protect its well-being.”
Justice Lloyd Doggett, Texas Supreme Court
Corporate whistleblowers are courageous, principled individuals who place their careers, their finances, and their reputations at risk in order to bring corporate misdeeds to light. Whistleblowers have exposed corruption in government, hazardous conditions in our state’s hospitals, and accounting fraud in our state’s largest employers, to name a few. These selfless individuals perform a public service for which every citizen of New Jersey should be grateful.
Not surprisingly, some employers don’t see it this way. They target and punish whistleblowers through harassment, demotions, false disciplinary actions, suspensions, and terminations. If that has happened to you, please contact Traub Law and speak to a lawyer today. At the very least, you should be protected from punishment. In some cases, however, you could even be rewarded for your speaking up.
Whistleblowers who report fraud upon the federal government, such as Medicare fraud or other entitlement abuse, may be entitled to a substantial bounty through a legal action called “qui tam.” Over the last 10 years, successful qui tam plaintiffs have received hundreds of millions of dollars for blowing the whistle on companies that have ripped off the U.S. government.
Protect Yourself By Contacting An Attorney Right Away
If you are being or have been retaliated against because you blew the whistle on unlawful conduct, improper health care or violations of public policy in New Jersey, contact Traub Law today. My firm has offices in Princeton and East Brunswick, and I represent clients throughout the state. To arrange an initial consultation, call me at 609-318-9053 or send me an email.